Autologous Blood Therapy Short Course (ABTC-SC)​ Empowering Excellence with Every Drop








The Autologous Blood Therapy Course is a basic seminar developed for the individual that wishes to expand their knowledge of the new and exciting technology: PRP (platelet-rich-plasma)/ Platelet Concentrate, point-of-care stem cell processing, and autotransfusion.

The purpose of the Course is to impart knowledge acquired by PRFUZN, Inc. as an aid to the development of the technology. It is important to understand that the technical information presented during the Course may not be the only way of conducting the technology, but the information is presented as “what works for us.” However, it is our intent that with the knowledge acquired during the ABTC-SC, each attendee does not have to re-invent the wheel in order to develop a successful clinical practice.

Who is this Course for?

If your Group or Facility has Perfusionists, Autotransfusionists, or other Perioperative Blood Management Personnel that are in need of Continuing Education, the ABTC Short Course maybe the answer to your needs.


The course will require the completion of Self Study Educational Modules and supplemental materials, with 21 days for completion of the study and completion/submission of post test, clinical activity, and post class assignments.

NRABT CEU’s will be awarded: 15 {I}, 8 {II} + 7 {III} = 30 CEU’s), in addition to a Certificate of Completion.

Course Content

This online learning course covers a comprehensive range of topics essential for understanding and applying key concepts in clinical practice. The course includes:

  • Basic Science

  • Regulatory Agencies

  • Allogenic Blood

  • Osmosis, Osmotic Pressure, and Solutions

  • ATF (Autologous Transfusion) Indications and Contraindications

  • ATF Components

  • ATF Collection, Processing, Reinfusion Bag, Estimated Blood Loss (EBL), and Documentation

  • Considerations for Jehovah’s Witnesses

  • Sterile Technique

  • Centrifuges

  • Devices of Various Sizes (Large, Small, and Variable)

  • Policies, Processes, and Procedures

  • Reimbursements

  • Stem Cells

  • Fat Harvesting and Usage

  • Clinical Practice Benefits

  • Injection Therapy

  • Mini-case Reports

The Course requires completion of an online educational offering, which requires 1 day (9 clock hours). Additionally, there is a post Class Self-Study assignment utilizing on-line publications. CEU’s are awarded:10 Category I + 7 Category III = 17 CEU’s + 8 Units for Clinical Activity for NRABT RE-Certification/Registration, in addition to a Certificate of Completion.

The design of the Course requires tuition of five hundred, twenty five ($525.00). INCLUDED are: Online Class, Course Notebook, Post Class Self Study Assignment, and NATIONAL REGISTRY OF AUTOLOGOUS BLOOD THERAPISTS (NRABT) 2 years Certification/Registration.

The Autologous Blood Therapy Short Course is offered, as requested and at pre-scheduled intervals.

Are You Ready To Start?