
Welcome to Autologous Blood Therapy Website

As Medical Technology continues to advance every day, the Point-Of-Care processing of a patient's own autologous blood and/or bone marrow have come to the fore front of new techniques.

Platelet Gel is derived from whole blood and Stem Cells are derived from bone marrow. Platelet Gel and Stem Cells utilized together or independently greatly enhance patient outcomes.

As a highly involved element of this astounding new technology, we provide:

  • Knowledge based Credentialing of Practitioners through the NRABT.
  • Specialized Education pertaning to Autologous Blood Therapy through the ABTC.
  • Clnical and Organizational Services through PRFUZN, Inc.

Platelet Gel, derived from activated concentrated platelets, is utilized anywhere tissue or bone has been injured, cut or burned. EXAMPLES of PLATELET GEL APPLICATIONS.
